Tire Shop Management App
A desktop application for managing tire shop operations and inventory.
Project Overview
September 2024 - October 2024
The Tire Shop Management App is a comprehensive desktop application designed to
streamline operations for small to medium-sized tire shops. Built as part of my software
development capstone project at Western Governors University, this application addresses
the common challenges faced by tire shops in managing their inventory, customer
relationships, and daily operations.
The application features a complete suite of tools including customer management,
appointment scheduling, vehicle tracking, tire inventory management, and business
reporting. Each feature was carefully designed with input from real-world tire shop
operations to ensure practical utility and ease of use.
Technical Implementation
- Secure user authentication system
- Comprehensive customer relationship management
- Appointment scheduling and management
- Vehicle service history tracking
- Tire inventory control system
- Business reporting and analytics
Technical Stack
- .NET Framework - Application foundation and business logic
- Windows Presentation Foundations - Rich, responsive user interface development
- C# - Core application programming
- SQLite Database - Flexible self-contained data storage and retrieval
Application Screenshots
Core Interface
Secure login interface for user authentication
Main dashboard showing key business metrics and quick access buttons
Customer Management
Quick access button for adding new customers
Form for adding new customer information
Interface for editing existing customer details
Detailed customer information editing - Basic Info
Detailed customer information editing - Additional Info
Customer record deletion with confirmation
Appointment Management
Quick access to appointment scheduling
Comprehensive appointment scheduling interface
Quick access to edit existing appointments
Interface for modifying appointment details
Appointment cancellation functionality
Vehicle Management
Access to vehicle management system
Vehicle information tracking - Basic Details
Vehicle information tracking - Service History
Tire Management
Quick access to tire inventory management
Comprehensive tire inventory control interface
Access to business reporting features
Detailed business reporting interface
Print-ready report generation